Damin Ibarguren Gauthier was born in Fray Bentos (Ro Black, Uruguay) in 1970. The major part of his childhood in Buenos Aires. From 1980 to 1985 he resides with his family in Ronneby, Sweden, where he received his first drawing classes and participates in various painting workshops scope of school. In 1985, after the restoration of democracy back to Fray Bentos. In 1990 he moved to Montevideo to join the Faculty of Architecture. From 1993 to 2004 he worked as a draftsman in CSI Engineers. Today Seinco works as a modeler and designer. Ibarguren is a self-taught painter, without academic training. Most of his work, so far, has been painted on reused materials, particularly on cardboard collected from the street or donated by his enthusiastic admirers. He has exhibited twice in Montevideo in 2003, once in Fray Bentos and the other in Ronneby (Sweden) during 2004. His paintings are in private collections in Spain, United States States, Sweden and Uruguay. www.damian-uy.com